Opt in to receive your W-2 tax form in digital form only in myHR, eliminating the paper copy. You will be able to download (and print) your W-2 as needed, while protecting your sensitive personal information, reducing paper and bulk printing, and decreasing unnecessary expenses.
To consent to an electronic-only W-2, please follow these steps:
Log in to myHR at myhr.northwestern.edu.
Click the Pay tile.
Select W-2 Electronic Consent from the left menu.
Review the consent and, if you agree, select the checkbox and click “Submit.”
Important notes:
To opt-in for an “electronic-only” W-2, you must consent no later than December 31 of that year.
You may withdraw your consent at any time by visiting the same page in myHR.
Unless you withdraw your consent, it will remain active for all future W-2 forms.
Only employees with access to myHR may opt-in. Some short-term workers (such as “Special Pay” individuals) do not have access to myHR and will receive a mailed W-2 by default.
When will my online W-2 be available?
Per IRS regulations, your W-2 will be available online no later than January 31st. If you opt in to the electronic-only version, we will notify you via email when your form is ready for download in myHR.
What happens if I don’t opt in?
If you are an active employee, you will still be able to access your electronic W-2 in myHR. However, an additional paper copy will be printed and mailed to your “Home” address on file. Opting in prevents the automatic printing and mailing of a paper W-2 form with your personal information.
How will I obtain my W-2 if I leave Northwestern?
Once you leave Northwestern, you are no longer able to log into myHR. If you leave the University before the W-2 is issued in January, it will be automatically mailed to your latest home address on file, regardless of your electronic consent.
Why don’t I have the option to consent?
If you’ve followed the steps above but do not see the “W-2 Electronic Consent” option, it may be for one of the following reasons:
You have not been paid by Northwestern this calendar year; only employees paid this year, or those newly hired in the last 31 days, will have access to the W-2 Consent.
You do not have federal withholding or FICA taxes taken this calendar year; if you have received only scholarship (fellowship) payments, you may not receive a W-2. (Nonresidents will receive a 1042-S Form, while U.S. citizens/residents for tax purposes may still need to report these earnings on their year-end filing, depending on how the funds were used.)
You are currently in an unpaid leave status; employees on unpaid leave will receive their W-2 at their current home address.
If none of the above applies to you, and you still do not see the W-2 Electronic Consent option in myHR, please contact askHR at 847-491-4700 or askhr@northwestern.edu.